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  • mattval6

Aston Martin Book and Plus 2 News

Well a couple of milestone in the last couple of weeks. First off the Aston Martin book is published; the book is really nicely produced and despite not having the owners stories in it looks really nice.

Here's a picture of the cover with Poppy being nosey as usual:

Here's the frontspage with a picture of Mark Seligman's DB6 and my DB9 outside Marks house:

And a random page showing some more of Marks DB6 and the layout:

I've sent out copies to all the contributors and they have been very complementary about it, so that is good! Its 200 pages, loads of pictures many of which have not been published before, and I think a good read. I have to say that I could have done with it being twice the size as there was a lot to cover, but I feel I've covered most of the important stuff.

I've also been commissioned to write another two books - one on the cars produced under Bert Bertelli's time at Aston Martin, and, going from the sublime to the ridiculous one on the ADO16 series of cars - i.e. the Austin / Morris 1100 / 1300 - the car that everyone has owned but doesn't admit to!

Secondly the Plus 2 rewire is progressing mainly thanks to my good mate Peter Kenaghan's sterling efforts - he's happy to spend a couple of hours rummaging behind the dash with his magic electrical probe thingy connecting things up and seeing if they work, while I sit at the bench making up various wires "I need a red and black, 2 feet long with a bullet at one end and a male spade on the other...." to tie everything together.

Hopefully I'll remember where everything goes.......

The good news is that we got the car running with the help of some easi-start - I was hoping to buy a couple of cans of the Oz version 'Start Ya Basterd' but its not available in the UK. The bad news is that I've got to refit the tacho with a RVI repair kit as it was not working properly, and we've still got a list of about 10 glitches to finish before I can put the interior back in and get back out on the road. But good progress at last.

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