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  • mattval6

Its been a long time since.....

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

Well its been a busy few months, but things have settled down a bit now. I've been having some problems with my eyes, and had a cataract replaced earlier on in the year, then Julia and I actually managed to get Covid in the early summer which knocked us both sideways, and then I did my back in which laid me out for a week, so it was not a good start to the summer. However, I've delivered the Aston Martin book to Crowood and it is at the printers as I write. I've also got two more books on the go and under contract - one dealing with one of the best selling British cars of the 1960s and early 70s, the other looking at the pre-war cars of a marque I'm interested in. Watch this space for further details.

The Aston Martin is running nicely - I had a good run down to darkest Somerset to attend the Historic Lotus Register's annual lunch at he invite of my good friend (and Lotus Elite and DB9 owner) Roland Long, where I gave a presentation of my book on the Lotus Elite. I think it all went well - Elite owners are great bunch of people and a good time was had by all. Here's a shot of the car park with an assortment of Elites and a nice Elan.

I've a couple of outings planned for August and September - Brooklands Aston Martin Heritage Trust festival on the 14th August and then the Salon Privé at Blenheim Palace on the 3rd September. Looks like we are getting a hosepipe ban in August so the Aston my not get a wash before the Salon Privé! I'll post up pictures after each event.

The Plus 2 rewire is progressing slowly - my good mate Pete has been a major help as he not only knows how to use various wiring diagnostice instruments, he also has a lot of enthusiasm for the task as we slowly troubleshoot the system. Now the looms are all in and mostly connected up - we've got working sidelights and just need to add a couple of wires to fire up the headlamps.

So apologies for not posting up anything for a while - I'll be a bit more diligent in the future. Now off to watch the Hungarian Grand Prix.....

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