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  • mattval6

Plans and the Planners

I had some good news yesterday - I won a planning appeal. I'd put in for permission to place a wooden garage come workshop on the front of my property at the beginning of 2020 which was turned down. This was in spite of me getting pre-planning approval of the project a couple of years ago. The 2020 decision contradicted my pre-planning advice, so I decided to appeal. It was a relativly simple process, and with (I think) a clearly articulated explaination of why I thought the decision made by the planners was unfair, especially bearing in mind the advice I had been gven by the same planning department the Planning Inspectorate came up trumps, and overturned the decision to refuse the planning application. So watch this space as hopefully my front drive will see the Clarks Equipment tent that currently shelters my (so called) driving Plus 2 will be replaced with a decent double garage!

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